What is Transfer Camp (T-Camp) and Howdy Camp?
Transfer Camp (T-Camp) and Howdy Camp are three-day, two-night extended orientation programs designed to introduce new Aggies to the traditions, yells, and many opportunities that exist at Texas A&M; we accomplish this through skits, discussion groups, and other programs. There will also be an in-depth campus tour where campers can see their class buildings before the semester begins. It is our main goal that campers leave with a newly ignited Aggie Spirit, and many lasting friendships.
What do you do at Camp?
First, students are split into “camps” that have a designated theme and color. In your respective camp (color and theme), you will furthermore be divided into Discussion Groups (DGs) and spend time getting to know each other and developing bonds that will last you throughout your college career.
Counselors have prepared skits to help teach you about the traditions and opportunities at A&M. In addition, our very own group of “yell leaders,” known as Team, will teach the yells and hold yell practice every night. We will also have guest speakers and programs such as Carpool and the Twelfth Man Foundation come and inform us about the amazing benefits their respective organizations provide Texas A&M students. There will also be small group interactions, a mixer, a pool party (T-Camp only), and a recreation of Silver Taps, Muster, and Bonfire.
As mentioned earlier, within each camp, you will be divided into Discussion Groups of 10-15 transfers and 2 counselors. These DGs are where the lasting friendships are made. In addition to meeting new friends, you will have the opportunity to learn about Aggie life through your counselors and ask them any questions that you may have.
How much does T-Camp Cost?
T-Camp costs $200. This price covers the cost of your bus ride, lodging at Trinity Pines, meals for 3 days, a T-Camp T-shirt and a water bottle.
When is T-Camp?
Session 1: August 7-9, 2017
Session 2: August 11-13, 2017
How do I sign up?
Registration for T-Camp will be available at atc.tamu.edu starting in mid-March, all you have to do is click on the Registration tab.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact the Aggie Transition Camps Office at (979) 862-1785 , or e-mail Koiula Lau at [email protected]